Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Blog Award

I have mixed feelings when I post about this award. On one hand, I am very happy to be tagged for this award. On the other hand, I feel so ashamed~ because I was awarded this by Rakhshanda from Chamber of Beauty all the way back in September... and then now again by Elle from InsideOut Elle. Ok, how can I be so lazy to post about a blog award I received??
So anyways, thanks~~ Rakhshanda and Elle =)
What I am supposed to do is to tag 15 other blogs I have just discovered. So here they are:
1) Marie (All Things Marie)
2) Jess (Oh... pretty!!) She is moving from blogger though
3) Siwing (Life's a beach)
4) Angie (Pandaphilia)
10) Cynthia (Slowbro's Dreams)
12) Mimi (What Mimi Writes)
13) Jessie (87 Life)
14) Sisi (Sisi Sparkles)
Do check out these blogs =D
Anyway, I am still having problems with the page layout, no idea why =(

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