Friday, May 13, 2011

Small Office

Want an example of how laptop rentals can help small business owners who work out of their home? Here's a good one, told to me by a friend, using her voice.
Her story begins as many about laptop rentals do - with a crisis. I'm sure you'll find many aspects of this story familiar:
"I had noticed some changes in the performance of my laptop. It started to slow down - gradually but noticeably. Over the course of a few months, it seemed to be taking longer and longer to open basic Word documents. Spreadsheets were a nightmare! I began timing them. Some took over ten seconds to open, and they were very small files with very simple calculations.
Then I noticed a long, thin line on the monitor that never seemed to go away. I was told by an IT person I know that this was not a good sign.
Next came trouble with the USB ports. I had three on the machine, and I used them for my printer, my cordless mouse and my keyboard. Being a cautious user, I would back up daily to an external hard drive, which meant I had to unplug a couple of peripherals to free up the USB ports. When I went to plug my keyboard back in, it wouldn't work. I had to unplug and reconnect it two times to get it working again. This happened even when I didn't move the keyboard cable. If I unplugged my printer cable, the keyboard would still conk out.
Other problems occurred too. Web pages took forever to load. I knew it wasn't my ISP or wireless network because the other computer in our house was fine.

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