Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LATEST! Jill Stuart Post Valentine's Day GIVEAWAY!! (Limited Edition)

YAY! I am so excited about this giveaway myself that I can't wait to post it! So here it is!

NOW CLOSED (14March2011)
Jill Stuart Valentine Love Collection:
1. Petite Nail Lacquer #109 love scandal
2. Emery Board #02

To participate, this is what you have to do:

Minimum requirements (1 chance):

1) Be a follower of this blog

2) Visit my previous post on the Jill Stuart Valentine Love Collection and leave a comment on this post, telling me which your favorite Petite Nail Lacquer is, and why you like it.

3) Leave your email address

Please do ensure that you have all these 3 things on your comment, or I regret to say that your entry won't be counted =(

Additional chances:

4) Publish a post on this giveaway in your own blog and link it back to this post (+2 chances)

5) Add a link at the side of your blog to link it back here. Pls feel free to use any image from this post if you want to (+ 1 chance)

6) Retweet this post (+ 2 chances) --> Retweet button can be found on the top right hand corner of this post

Pls provide links to your twitter/ blog in your comment so that I could check that you have done it =D

For 4 & 5, please leave the post/link on your blog for 1 more week after the giveaway has closed for compilation purposes. Thanks!

This giveaway closes on White Valentine's Day, 14 March 2011, 2359 Singapore time.
Thank you for being with me since August 2010 when I started this blog!

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